ISO 14001 

Van den Berk Nurseries holds the ISO 14001:2015 certificate. 14001 specifies the international standards for environmental management and sustainability. For years, Van den Berk has been taking action to ensure the sustainable, environmentally friendly production of trees. For instance, we restrict our use of pesticides to the minimum and, at just one third of the legal standard, Van den Berk’s consumption per hectare is currently one of the lowest in the business, leaving ample opportunity for flora and fauna to thrive. The plots are a home to an abundance of insects and offer nesting and feeding opportunities to many species of birds and other animals. Read more about sustainable production.
Click here to see the ISO certificate.

ISO 9001

Despite or perhaps even because of their great affinity for them, Van den Berk deals in trees commercially. Since 1997, the company has been ISO 9001 certified, the international standard for quality management systems. In practical terms, this means that Van den Berk Nurseries only buys from approved suppliers. In addition, all transactions with the product are conducted in accordance with fixed guidelines and everything is documented in detail. In the process from offer to delivery, every tree is inspected at least five times. Click here to see the ISO certificate.


On the way to Planetproof

'On the way to Planetproof', is an independent Dutch sustainability label. Clients can rely on the sustainable production of certified products. It proves ('Proof') that you buy a product that is produced in a more sustainable way and is therefore better for nature, the environment, climate and animals. Van den Berk Nurseries has a very extensive range of 'Planetproof' certified products. Click here for more information about the quality mark, download the certificate or contact our sales team.


Skal: organic trees

In 2016 Van den Berk Nurseries began cultivating organic trees. There was little organic seed stock on the market at the time, but that did not have to be a problem because the cycle has to start somewhere and the legislation makes provision for this. Following a total transition period of three years, one of which was exclusively for the soil, we started with a small one hectare test plot. Each successive year we added a new plot. In the coming years we will continue to scale up our production of organic trees. Read more>>